An intense, full-day workshop on advanced neuromonitoring using ICM+ and a user group meeting at ICP 2022, Cape Town, 13–14 November 2022
It gives us enormous pleasure to announce another full-day workshop on neuromonitoring using ICM+ at the forthcoming conference on Intracranial Pressure and Brain monitoring in November, in Cape Town, taking place on the 14th November, 2022. This will be in addition to our usual ICM+ User group meeting, that always accompanies those conferences!
The ICP conference is a highly scientific, inter-disciplinary conference that presents a unique opportunity for interaction between clinicians, basic scientists, physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists. It is always highly inspirational for anyone in the field of neuro-monitoring, physiological modelling and of course interpretation, prediction, estimation, management and treatment of Intracranial Pressure. Highly recommended! And it will be in a very beautiful place this year too. Check out more details here:
putting together a data collection profile, ensuring high quality data collection,
extracting data to answer simple descriptive questions about the data
configuring browsing/statistical tools to dig deeper into the raw, waveform level, data
configuring and running analysis on the raw data in order to extract information on various physiological metrics like cerebral autoregulation
using advanced analytical tools in ICM+ to address more involved questions
putting together a pipeline of analysis of ‘big data set’, for statistical hypotheses testing
harnessing the power of Python scripts and libraries, including machine learning frameworks, integrated within ICM+
coping with huge amount of data, the ‘big data’ approach, including application of machine learning models
The range of exercises and topics will suit all users, from absolute novices to ICM+ experts. To that end the workshop will run 3 streams of difficulties in parallel, with a separate set of tasks designed for each level of experience. Working in small groups will be highly encouraged, promoting brainstorming discussions and stimulating networking.
Register here:
Details of the User Group meeting, taking place on the morning of 15th November 2022, will be announced in due course. It will, as usual, include a series of contributions from our users on various aspects of their use of ICM+ for their neuro-monitoring needs.
We hope to see you all there!