1980-1986: Warsaw University of Technology Poland. Marek Czosnyka,  Peter Smielewski, Stefan Piechnik work on construction of first computers for ICP signal analysis. No monitor, no hard disk just needle printer, paper tape reader/puncher and analog input for reading magnetic tapes with signals recorded in hospital

1986:  Dr Przemyslaw Wollk-Laniewski devised term ICM- Intensive Care Monitor, which would be an universal configurable software for monitoring multiple signals of Pediatric ICU (Children’s Health Centre, Warsaw)

1991 : Professor JD Pickard invites all group to Cambridge. ICM for DOS is first time used on NCCU in Addenbrookes Hospital in 1991: ten channels, primitive profiling, glue , scissors and paper needed for displaying long chunks of data

1996: Doctor Peter Smielewski designed first software for data trending and high resulotion archiving in Cambridge. We started to build up our  great library of brain signals!

2004 – Launch of first version of ICM+ software – during ICP12 conference in Hong Kong

2004-until NOW…. New applications, new functions , new centers and collaborations