The 4th ICM+ Users' meeting is approaching rapidly! We will meet again in Leuven, Belgium, on the 8th of September, at the start of ICP 2019 conference. All current and prospective ICM+ users are welcome!

The Icp conference will be held in Leuven from the 8th till the 11th of September this year. Visit the ICP 2019 website for further information about the venue, program and important dates. Specifically instructions how to find it are given here:
We will meet for our traditional ICM+ Users’ meeting before the conference starts, on Sunday 8th of September from 8:00 to 12:30 in GA1 room. Please arrive at the main reception desk aiming for 7:45 and you will be directed to the meeting room next door.
The meeting is an opportunity for listening to and discussing other ICM+ users’ testimonies. As before, we have prepared for you a program of talks with the main theme: ‘how do I do it with ICM+ ‘. We hope you will all find it stimulating and inspiring. Please bring along a list of your own questions to ask.
Above all, please remember that the meeting is organised for you, to help you take advantage of all what ICM+ can provide you with and to find potential collaborations for your own projects.
Final Program
(tea/coffee and biscuits will be served just before the start of the session outside of GA1 room)
Part I- chair Dr Ari.Ercole
8:05 – 8:45 Keynote lecture by Dr Peter Smielewski (Cambridge, UK) : ‘Reflecting on 15 years of global use of ICM+. How is it commonly used and what else could it do for you?’
8:45 – 9:00 Discussion
Part II- Plenary session. – Chaired by Dr Marcel Aries & Dr Marek Czosnyka
(only essential short questions and short answers accepted)
9:00 – 9:15 Dr Jennifer Lee (Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, US): From piglets to (human) babies: pediatric brain hypoxia with ICM+
9:15 – 9:30 Dr Nicolas Joram (Nantes, France) : Use of ICM+ for brain monitoring of pediatric patients on ECMO
9:30 – 9:45 Prof Martin Schuhmann (Tubingen, Germany): Monitoring of CSF dynamics with ICM+
9:45 – 10:00 Dr Shruti Algrawi (Cambridge, UK): Pediatric ICU monitoring supported by ICM+
10:00-10:20 Coffee break
10:20 – 10:35 Prof Marek Sykora (Vienna, Austria): Monitoring of the autonomic nervous system with ICM+
10:35 – 10:50 Dr Joseph Donnelly (Auckland, New Zealand): Monitoring of autoregulation limits with ICM+
10:50 – 11:05 Dr Xiuyun Liu (Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, US): Wavelet based algorithm for autoregulation monitoring with ICM+, harnessing the power of ICM+ plugin system
11:05 – 11:20 Dr Erta Beqiri (Milan, Italy): Use of ICM+ for running clinical trials, experiences from the CPPopt trial COGiTATE
11:20 – 11:30 Manuel Cabeleira (Cambridge, UK): Processing large volumes of data with ICM+ – CENTER-TBI case study
11:30 – 11:45 Prof Celeste Dias (Porto, Portugal): Can we manage patients with CPPopt without ‘COGiTATE’ ?
11:45 – 12:00 Dr Zofia Czosnyka (Cambridge UK): CSF infusions study with ICM+ – step by step guide
12:00 – 12:15 Prof Ken Brady (Chicago, US): Pediatric 3D ECG with ICM+
12:15 – 12:25 Michal Placek (Cambridge,UK): Extending ICM+ with Python scripts with examples using CENTER-TBI data sets
12:25 – 12:30 Dr. Smielewski: Concluding remarks
12:30-13:00 Further discussions over lunch kindly sponsored by Masimo

Additional information
The meeting is open to everyone and no registration is required.
You will be able to pick up your WiFi code from the conference registration desk but guest access codes will also be provided.
We are aiming to stream the session live, please use this link to join us on the day:
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

There will be signs to “Parking Onderwijs en Navorsing” and “Parking ICP” (both are the same – the Parking Onderwijs en Navorsing signs are just the permanent signs). There is a code that needs to be used at the entrance: 3165# (including the hashtag!). From there it is a 5-10 minute walk to the venue (signs will be up as well):
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